GRi Newsreel 07 - 12 - 99

NDC urges SFO to continue investigations into SSNIT investments

Ghana to host World Congress of Home Economists

Mills urges new chapter in Ghana-Lebanon relations

Develop tourism potential of Ashanti region - Yankah


NDC urges SFO to continue investigations into SSNIT investments

Accra (Greater Accra) 7 Dec. '99

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) on Tuesday called on the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) to continue its investigations into every aspect of investments of the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT).

The investigations should swiftly bring to book all those who would be found, involved in any wrongdoing, according to a statement signed by Alhaji Huudu Yahaya, General Secretary of the NDC.

The statement referred to a statement by SFO that a preliminary report shows that SSNIT investments in some particular projects have not been appropriately handled.

It suggested that there are large overruns in the execution of these projects.

"SSNIT is the contributions of our modest hardworking people towards the security of their lives in the future". We therefore find the action of SFO, in ensuring that our working people's confidence in the scheme of this country is not eroded, as a step in the right direction.

The statement said the NDC has "full confidence" in the SFO and would support any sanctions to be instituted by the relevant law enforcement agencies against anyone found to have contributed to SSNIT incurring these financial losses.

It added that the party is following with keen interest the progress of the investigations.


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Ghana to host World Congress of Home Economists

Sunyani (Brong Ahafo) 7 Dec. '99

Ghana has been selected as the first country in Africa to host the 23rd World Congress of the International Federation of Home Economists (IFHE) in July 2000.

Delegates from all over the world would attend the congress to be held at the Accra International Conference Centre.

The Eastern Regional Minister, Miss Patience Adow who is also the vice-president of the IFHE for Africa, launched the 2000 congress at Sunyani on Monday.

She said Ghana was chosen to host the congress because of her favourable political and economic climate and expressed the hope that Ghanaians would support the Ghana Home Economists Association to host the congress successfully.

Ms Adow said a 350-dollar registration fee for each participant has been reduced to 50 dollars for delegates from Africa to enable as many people as possible to attend.

She commended the Brong Ahafo branch of the association for its outstanding performance and called on other regions to emulate it.

The Regional Co-ordinator of the association, Mrs Ellen Mensah, advised parents to encourage their children to excel in their chosen careers and not force them into professions in which they do not have interest.

She appealed to citizens of Brong Ahafo to assist the association to honour its two million cedis commitment towards the organisation of the congress.


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Mills urges new chapter in Ghana-Lebanon relations

Accra (Greater Accra) 7 Dec. '99

Vice-President John Atta Mills on Tuesday called for a new chapter in Ghana-Lebanon relations that would focus more on trade and investment.

He said while he acknowledges the contributions made by the Lebanese community in Ghana to the commercial sector, it is significant that they explore other sectors for business.

Prof. Mills said this when the new Lebanese Ambassador, Mr Chargel Aoun, who presented his letters of credence three months ago, paid a courtesy call on him at the Castle Osu.

Vice-President Mills urged him to build on the achievements of his predecessor to enhance good relations between the two countries.

He restated the government's determination to open the economy for genuine business.

On peacekeeping, Prof. Mills said Ghana is committed to achieving global peace, hence her unrelenting participation in peacekeeping missions, especially the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).

He said although Ghana's participation in UNIFIL is becoming more expensive, the government would not give up because it is worthwhile.

Mr Aoun, who said his posting to Ghana is his first experience in Africa, pledged to do his best to bring the peoples of the two countries together for development.

He said there are about some 4,000 Ghanaians in Lebanon with most of them in the construction industry.


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Develop tourism potential of Ashanti region - Yankah

Kumasi (Ashanti Region) 7 Dec ’99

Mr. Kojo Yankah, former Ashanti Regional Minister, has described Lake Bosomtwe as the best tourism potential in Africa and called for its development.

He also called for the development of the inland port at Fumesua and the international airport to boost the tourism potential of the Ashanti region.

Mr. Yankah was speaking at a send-off party organised for him by the Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council on Sunday.

He mentioned Ahwiaa for its wood carvers and Bonwire for its kente as towns whose tourist attraction potentials must be developed.

The former minister, who said he was overwhelmed by the gifts and goodwill expressed by the various speakers said; "though I am going out of Ashanti, I have not left my relationship with Ashanti.

"I am going to set up a consultancy to offer my assistance to any region that needs my services".

He advised Ghanaians to work hard, adding; "Whatever we are doing, let's ensure that we do it for the good people of Ghana.

"If you do a good road, you will enjoy hearing that you did a good road".

The former Regional Minister, said he "served the Ashanti Region and for that matter Ghana" with all his heart.


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